The Diversity of Life

I. A Brief History of Life

II. Classifying Life

III. The Prokaryote Domains: Bacteria and Archaea

IV. The Domain Eukarya

A. Overview:

B. Origin of the Eukarya

C. Diversity of the Eukarya

D. Plants

E. Fungi

F. Animals

5. Major Phyla

a. Phylum Porifera: Sponges

b. Phylum Cnidaria: Hydra, anemones, corals, jellyfish

The "Bilateria"

The remaining animal phyla are bilaterally symmetrical organisms. Their symmetry is encoded by Hox genes that establish the anterior-posterior axis of the body. As mentioned previously, bilateral symmetry is advantageous because it establishes a polarity to the animal - and sense systems and neural integration can be concentrated at the anterior end.

The bilaterally symmetrical animals have three true tissue layers (triploblastic), adding mesoderm to endo- and ectoderm. They form two major clades, distinguished by whether the blastopore developes into the mouth (Protostomes) or the anus (Deuterostomes) in the adult. The protostomes are further divided by other developmental characteristics. One major clade, the Ecdysozoa, must shed a hard cuticle or exoskeleton in order to grow. The other clade, the Lophotrochozoans, is distinguished by having either a rake-like feeding apparatus ('lophophore' - seen in some of the pictures in the lower two rows, above), or a specific larval stage known as a 'trochophore'. As you can see from the phylogeny above, there are many groups whose phylogenic relationships are unknown at this time.

Protostomes: Lophotrochozoans

c. Phylum Platyhelminthes: Flatworms

The flatworms are a rather primitive group of bilaterally symmetrical organisms that maintain some of the basic characteristics of cnidarians. Like cnidarians, they have a digestive cavity with only one opening; they do not have a one-way digestive tract. However, the gut of flatworms is highly bifurcated and convoluted, with pockets that radiate out into the deep tissue on the sides of the animal. This is probably adaptive in this organism because it insures that no cell is too far from the gut (and digested nutrients). Flatworms also have ameobocytes like sponges and cnidarians, too; these transport nutrients between the endodermal cells lining the gut and the rest of the tissues in the animal. Digestion is both intracellular and extracellular, as in cnidarians. The major evolutionary innovations in this group are associated with bilaterality. The nervous system and sensory organs (eyespots and chemoreceptive auricles) are concentrated towards the anterior end of the animal, creating a head (of sorts). Flatworms are a diverse group, with free-living and parasitic forms. Planaria live in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments. Flukes are parasitic, like the liver flukes and blood flukes (Schistosomes) we saw in lab. Most of these species have at least one intermediate host and a complex life cycle. At some point in the life cycle there is usually an asexual stage in which thousands of offspring can be produced asexually. This is particularly important for parasites that infect different hosts in sequence, because the probability of finding new hosts is low. Tapeworms are another group of parastic flatworms. Over 1000 species have been described, and every vertebrate species is infected by at least one species of tapeworm. Humans are infected by three, with sheep, pigs, cattle, and fish acting as intermediate hosts. Tapeworms are weird. Humans ingest living cysts in undercooked beef, lamb, pork, and fish. The immature worm hatches from the cysts and attached to the wall of the intestine with the hooks on the scolex - the head segment. As the worm matures and grows, it produces body segments called proglottids. Each proglottid contains male and female reproductive organs. As the worm creates new proglottids behind the head, older proglottids that are farther from the head mature. The worm can be over 12m long in humans; some grow to over 30m in length! Each proglottid is metabolically independent, absorbing nutrients by diffusion, directly from the hosts intestinal tract. The high SA/V ratio of these flatworms aids in this parasitic lifestyle. Each proglottid produces egg and sperm; sperm are received by proglottids and the development of fertilized eggs occurs in each proglottid. Eventually, the mature proglottids are shed by the worm, and are shed from the host in feces. The proglottids are eaten by the secondary host (sheep, pigs, cattle, and fish). The larvae hatch, bore through the intestinal wall, and migrate to muscle tissue where they encyst. Consumption of undercooked meat by another person completes the life cycle.

d. Phylum Annelida: Segmented worms

Annelids include three major groups - the polychaete worms (like we used in lab as the outgroup for assessing shared derived traits in arthropods), earthworms (like we dissected in lab), and leeches. Annelids inhabit marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments. The annelids are an ancient group, but their soft bodies do not fossilize well. However, there are unambiguous annelids that date to the Cambrian, and the putative polychaete Dicksonia dates from the Vendian Period 600 mya. With the Annelida we see a fundamental change in body plan - segmentation. Like gene duplication, the replication of body units into separate segments easily allows for body region to specialize, or to evolve a new function in one area without compromising the ability to perform original functions in other segments. This redundancy is easily seen in the anterior region of earthworms, where each segment contains a heart. Likewise, each segment throughout the animal contains its own excretory units - nephridia. Each segment of polychaetes has parapodia - 'side-feet' used for locomotion and respiration (increasing the surface area for gas exchange). Annelids have a true body cavity, they are not solid cells from the gut to the outer wall. This cavity provides room for outpocketings of the digestive tract and other organs. In addition, this fluid-filled space can act as a hydrostatic skeleton that allows for refined, peristaltic locomotion. Water is incompressible, so muscles contracting in one part of the body push the water in the coelom somewhere else, like towards the front of the animal which extends the body forward. Annelids also have another important difference with the other phyla we have considered - they have a digestive tract rather than a gut cavity. In a gut cavity, new food is added and is mixed with digesting food; there is no separation and so there can be no specialization of digestive function. In a tract, where food enters at one end of the animal (mouth) and passes in one direction towards the exit (anus), there can be specialization of function along the route - creating a "dis-assembly line" that breaks food down and harvests energy more efficiently. We see this specialization in earthworms, where the mucular pharynx contracts to extend the mouth for ingestion, the crop that stores food and delivers it evenly to the gizzard, which grinds the food into smaller particles (increasing its surface area for the action of enzymes), and the intestine where digestion and the absorption of nutrients occurs. Earthworms eat soil, digesting the fungi, bacteria, organic molecules and protists. They pass fecal pellets that contain the mineral components and unabsorbed organics. By creating these pellets, they improve the ability of water and air to travel through the soil, increasing the uptake of water and soluble nutrients, and increasing gas exchange by plant roots. This increases the growth rate of plants and increases the productivity of the community.

e. Phylum Mollusca: Chitons, Bivalves, Snails, and Cephalopods

The molluscs are also an ancient group, dating to the late pre-Cambrian Period (about 560 mya). Shelled molluscs, protected from cnidarian predators, radiate in the Cambrian. The molluscan body plan is fairly simple, best seen in the most primitive extant lineage, the Polyplacophorans (Chitons). They are bilaterally symmetrical with a complete digestive tract. Their body is covered by a hood-like structure called the mantle. This mantle creates a pocket between the body of the animal and the hood. Gills are present in this mantle cavity. The bottom of the animal is a muscular foot. In many molluscs, the mantle secretes a shell. In the polyplacophorans, the shell is composed of 8 units or plates, suggesting the segmented ancestry of the group. However, more derived molluscs have lost most indications of segmentation. Although molluscs take a wide variety of shapes, from snails to clams to squid, all of these shapes are just variations on this basic theme.

Snails have put a 'twist' on molluscan evolution. The shell and mantle rotate during development, placing the mantle cavity at the back of the animal. Many snails are grazers; they scrape algae off rocks with a file-like tongue called a radula.There are many predatory snails, however. Oyster drills have a tough radula, and they scrape a hole through oyster shells. They then extend their proboscis through the hole and consume the oyster. Coneshells, in the genus Conus, have a modified radula that takes the shape and function of a harpoon. They stab fish and inject a potent toxin; some Conus snail toxins are also lethal to humans. Almost all molluscs are marine or aquatic; only some snails have colonized land.The most coloful molluscs are nudibranchs (sea slugs); they prey on hydroids and coral polyps, and some even prey on venomous jellyfish. Some species are able to digest the cnidarians without disturbing their cnidocytes, and these cells are moved to the back of the nudibranch and protect it against the nudibranch's own predators. The bright colors are though to be warning coloration. The protuberances on the back are the "branch's" - the external gill-like respiratory organs.

Bivalves are an unusual group of molluscs. Bivalves are aquatic/marine filter feeders; they lay on the sediment and filter water between the 'valves' of their shell. They are bilaterally symmetrical; the midline of their back runs along the hinge of their shell - so their shell comes down on both sides of the animal, covering the animal and the foot. However, since the animals are sessile filter feeders, their nervous system has evolved to be decephalized (decentralized). They don't have a head - rather, because they do not move, their sensory systems have been redistributed around the organism so they can perceive their environment from all directions. Scallops, for instance, have eyes all around the margin of their mantle and shell. So again, here is a sort of exception that proves the rule: bilaterality directs a pattern of motion, which selects for cephalization at one end. Some sessile organisms that don't move through the environment are decephalized.

The last group of molluscs are the other-wordly cephalopods. Although they look very different from a chiton, the evolution of their body plan entailed a rather simple modification - the folding of the animal head to tail, and the elongation of the back. The folding of the animal created an anterior half to the foot, which evolved into tentacles, and a posterior half to the foot, which evolved into the siphon. The mantle forms a muscular cowl over the organism, and water can be sucked into the mantle cavity through the siphon, aerating the gills, and then expelled by the muscular contraction of the mantle - propelling the animal in a direction determined by the aiming of the siphon. As their name implies, the cephalopods have a big head - and it is a brainy, smart head, too. This correlates with their predatory behavior. As a general rule, predators are pretty clever animals - at least more clever than their prey. This is especially true for highly active and mobile predators like cephalopods, cats, and dogs. Cephalopods are the largest living invertebrates, and they are also generally regarded as the smartest. They can learn by mimicry. In a famous study, two octopuses were placed in neighboring glass aquaria that had red and blue balls at one end. One octopus had been trained to travel to the other end of the aquarium and pick up a red ball to receive food. After observing this behavior, the second untrained octopus would travel to the end of its aquarium and pick up a red ball (not a blue one). That is alot of higher processing occuring. Within the cephalopods, the evolutionary trend has been the reduction, internalization, and loss of the shell. A shell is very heavy; reducing its size increases the mobility of the predator. Internalizing the shell, as a rigid strut ("pen") in squid allows it to help the hydrodynamics of the organism. For octopus,which are sit and wait predators, the loss of the shell was adaptive because it meant that octopus could squeeze into very narrow cavities to escape their predators and to surprize their prey.

Things to Know:

1. Know the basic body plan of a flatworm, and how the convoluted gut of planarians solves a problem.

2. Know the two evolutionary innovations of annelids.

3. Know the basic body plan of molluscs, and how each group represents a modification of that plan.

Study Questions:

1. How does segmentation and gene duplication both encourage evolutionary change?

6. Why have clams "lost their head"?