If you have been set free to choose your own topic, you may feel bewildered by the possibilities and unsure how to determine what would be a good topic. The most important things to remember to select a topic are to decide on a topic that
Two good techniques to develop ideas are brainstorming and freewriting. Brainstorming is a good technique for people who think more visually or get overly concerned when writing in constructing perfect sentences before their ideas are fully developed.
To brainstorm, take a piece of paper and write down the topic idea in the middle of the paper. Start jotting down any related thoughts, questions, comments that you have on the paper around this central idea. This is very informal: these can be one word, phrases, sentences, or even pictures -- the point is that you are generating thoughts. Quantity rather than quality of thought is important here, you will weed out the useless material later (but sometimes what seems useless now can become important later, too). Once you feel that you have exhausted your thoughts, start drawing connecting lines, circles, whatever, around ideas that seem related or make a point. See what you come up with that may narrow down ideas for a thesis.
A related idea is freewriting, which may work better for people who like to think in words rather than visually. Start with your topic idea at the top of the page and just start writing down thoughts, with no attention to sentence structure or grammar. Just keep writing anything down, even if you feel stuck or dry, and occasionally glance back at your topic idea to get refocused. You can then start underlining ideas which stand out to you as possibities and start grouping those together.