Hindu Sacraments (selection)

or Life - Cycle Rites

Ashrama Samskara / "Sacrament"
1. Sacrament of Impregnation / Garbhadhan

2. second or third month of pregnancy / Punsavanam

3. between the fifth and eighth month of pregnancy / Simantonnayana

4. At the time when the child is being born / Jatakarma

5. Naming the child / Namakarana

6. Child is brought out of house (3rd and 4th month) / Niskramana

7. The first feeding of cereal at six months / Annaprashana

  • First time cutting of hair, 1st year or 3rd year / Chudakarma

9. Piercing the ears in the third or fifth year / Karnavedha

Student 10. Upanayana (Investiture of Sacred Thread) From 8th year

11. When studies are completed (Samavartana)

Householder 12. Vivaha Samskara (Marriage ceremony)

13. Sacrament(s) relating to house-holders / Grihatashrama

Renouncer 14. Vanaprasthashrama (Renouncing the house-holder's life)
Sannyasa 15. Sannyasashrama (Leading the life of a monk)

16. Funeral: last rites of the dead / Antyeshti