Development of Textual Criticism

5 - 16th century Vulgate (Latin; translated by Jerome) transmission in secondary language
1516 Textus Receptus, edited by Desiderius Erasmus manuscripts of 12 - 13th century; missing text of Rev. 22:16-21 translated back from Latin to Greek
16th - 17th centuries various editions sparing use of Codex Alexandrinus (5th century, almost complete)
1745 - 1812 Griesbach corrects some obvious errors of Textus Receptus
1815 - 1874 Constantin von Tischendorf discovery of Codex Sinaiticus (4th century, complete NT), at monastery of St. Catherine, Mt. Sinai
late 19th century Westcott and Hort extensive use of Codex Vaticanus (early 4th century; about 1/2 of Christian scriptures), but other manuscripts mistakenly dated to 2nd century introduce errors.
late 19th century to present (New) Revised Standard Version gradual incorporation of more manuscript evidence...