Ending of the four Gospels: Jesus' trial and crucifixion

What? Mark Matthew Luke John
Arrest Judas, and crowd who were from the chief priests, scribes, and elders Judas, and crowd who were from the chief priests, scribes, and elders Judas, chief priests, officers of temple police, Elders Judas with a detachment of soldiers together with police from the chief priests and the Pharisees
Accusation -False testimony: "I will destroy the Temple and build another"

-blasphemy: Son of the Blessed One

-False testimony: I will destroy the Temple and build another

-blasphemy: Son of the Blessed One


-misleading our nation, forbidding to pay taxes, says he is Christ and King


(later: claims to be Son of God)

Accusation II King of the Jews King of the Jews King of the Jews King of the Jews
Pilate's role Pilate knows of the envy of the chief priests, wishes to satisfy the crowd Pilate knows of the envy of the chief priests and elders; Pilate fears riot, washes his hands: I am innocent Pilate finds no guilt in him, wants to release him Pilate finds no guilt in him, philosophizes with Jesus, has Jesus scourged, puts on crown of thorns, yet finds still no guilt.

Pilate makes efforts to release Jesus, but the Jews cry out: everyone who claims to be king opposes Caesar.

Chief priests: "We have no king but Caesar."

Agitators Chief priests stir up crowd Chief priests and Elders persuade the crowd to ask for Barabbas' release ---
Crowd the crowd (indeterminate) People: "His blood be on us and our children" chief priests, the leaders, and the people "The Jews"