Gospels and their audiences

Mark (ca. 70) Matthew (80s) Luke (80s) John

(90s or later)

trad. attrib. John Mark, disciple of Peter, in Rome (cf. Acts 12:12, 25; 15:37) apostle Matthew Physician, travel companion of Paul (cf. Col 4:14 "disciple whom Jesus loved" (Jn 21:20,24)
audience / location Rome (?); audience not familiar with Aramaic northern Galilee, Syria (?); Jewish setting Pauline church (?); Gentile Church Jewish setting; but highly antagonistic toward Jews.
Some key-ideas "Passion account with extended introduction;" Jesus with human characteristics; Messianic secret; Roman soldier "gets it." Jesus is second Moses, rightful interpreter of the law. (Additional biblical prophecies; mountains; Egypt) Mission restricted to lost sheep of Israel. Jesus as scholar-philosopher; gentiles have shot at salvation; Jesus no political troublemaker (23:34); "Social Gospel" Highly developed theologically; Jesus is Paschal Lamb. Intentionally antagonistic toward Jews (6:83)
Making sense of destruction of Temple Jesus is teacher greater than Moses Gospel part of bigger story that continues with Acts Jesus is lamb of God, taking away sins of the world