Topic Story J/E P Enuma Elish Rg Veda
chaos dry desert: no rain yet Tehom / watery chaos watery chaos / Tiamat and Apsu co-mingling non-existence / meaninglessness/ Purusha
understanding of God / generative power Creator - Artisan Omnipotent Creator multiple Deities; after initital fight: Marduk as supreme lord Creator is creation

(even Gods are subsequent to this)

act of creating creation with hands: God forms, breathes life, plants garden creation by divine fiat; creation via separation creation by decree creation through sacrifice
human's role human is gardener, artisan, participates in creation by naming... human is priest or controller, has "dominion" over creation human is subservient subject to monarchic rule in interest of order human is assigned to caste, but perspective of oneness of all
hierarchies gender: woman derivative animal kingdom hierarchy among deities, by extension: humans four varnas
other structures structure of universe structure of time (week) structure of universe structure of universe
human conduct, ritual obedience Sabbath New Year festival sacrifice

Anthropology: What does it mean to be human? partaking in breath of God (nephesh)

human has soul

"in the image of God;" partaking in divine essence humans as servants to the Gods Purusha is Person / Universe: atman is brahman

Further questions: Etiologies in these cosmogonies? Perception of time as progressive / linear - repetitious / circular ? Claims on Geography, or a psychological - theological axis mundi (Babylon, Eden and the tree of Life)?