October 8, 2002


GREENVILLE, S.C.-- The Furman doubles duo of James Cameron and Patrick Fillnow, coming off a successful weekend at the Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) All-American Pre-Qualifier in Chattanooga, Tenn., has been ranked No. 41 in the country by the ITA.

Cameron and Fillnow recorded a 3-0 mark at the Pre-Qualifier, including an 8-4 victory against Middle Tennessee State's Brandon Allen and Greg Pollack, an 8-2 win against North Carolina's Ben Aiken and Andy Metzler, and a 9-8 triumph against Arizona's Tom Lloyd and Paul Warkertin. Although this performance did earn Fillnow and Cameron a spot in the All-American qualifier, the tandem will not participate due to classroom requirements.

This is the second partner with whom Cameron has garnered national attention. In 2002, after advancing to the quarterfinals in the NCAA Doubles Championships, Cameron and John Chesworth became the first Furman doubles duo to receive All-America honors.