Theatre 120

Instructor:  Dr. Jay Oney            Course Title:  Introduction to Acting

Room:  Studio Theatre            Phone:  294-2128

Class Meetings:  M, T, R, F: 12:00 - 12:50            Office Hours:  M,T,R,F: 9:00 - 9:50


Texts:                        Acting Onstage and Off (2nd edition) - Robert Barton
                        An Actor Prepares - Konstantin Stanislavski
                        Building a Character - Konstantin Stanislavski

            1)            Attendance is mandatory.  Due to the collaborative and interdependent nature of the course, each unexcused                         absence will result in the deduction of 10 points from the final grade.
            2)            All written work will be turned in on time.  One letter grade will be deducted for each day the work is late.
            3)            All performances will take place on scheduled days.
            4)            All scenes should be under 5 minutes long; all monologues under 2 minutes.



180 - 200 points


164 - 179 points


144 - 163 points


130 - 143 points


129 or less points

Point Breakdown:

Performance:            Written:

In-Class Participation

15 points


40 points

Scene #1

15 points

5 Response Papers

25 (5 pts each)

Scene #2

15 points


20 points

Monologue #1

15 points

Final Paper20 points


Monologue #2

15 points


105 points

Choice # 3 (Scene or monologue)

20 points




95 points



The informal journal should include your daily reactions and commentary on classwork and exercises.  It should also include all script analysis, preparation for scenes and monologues, class notes, and individual observations and criticisms of your own and classmates’ work.  Journals will be due every Tuesday during the term.

Response papers will be typed reaction papers to the assigned readings and accompanying handouts.  The responses should not exceed 5 pages.

There will be a short answer/multiple choice final during the exam period that covers terminology and concepts we encounter during term.

The final paper will be a more in-depth argument based upon one of your earlier response papers.




Barton, Actor Prepares, Building A Character

Week 1

Relaxation & Awareness

Barton 1-3, Aap 1-2, 6

Week 2 & 3

Intro to Stanislavski

Bart 4, Aap 3-5, 7-10


All scenes chosen by end of week 3



Open Scenes


Week 4

Work on Inner Self

Bart 5, Aap 11-16

Week 5

Work on External Self

BAC 1-5


Scene #1


Week 6

Vocal Awareness

BAC 6-10


Monologue #1


Week 7


BAC 11-12


Scene #2


Week 8

Rehearsal Etiquette

Bart 6, BAC 13-16


Monologue #2


Week 9

Rehearsal Process

Bart 7

Week 10

Performance Process



Performance #3


Week 11



Week 12




Final Exam:  Tuesday 10 December, 9-11:30 AM
