Overview / Roadmap of Hinduism

Harappan Civilization Vedic Religion

approx. dates

ca. 2500 - 1800 BCE

ca. 1500 BCE onward ca. - 900 BCE ca. - 700 BCE ca. - 300 BCE ca.- 500 BCE onwards ca.500 -100 BCE ca 300 - 900 CE
Scripture ? Vedas (shruti) Epics (smriti) Sutras


? Samhitas Brahmanas Aranyakas Upanishads
Emphasis ? Gods / worlds / humans Question of "Self" God / theism duty mythology
Practice ? Sacrifice / yajna asceticism / tapas devotion / bhakti duty, meditation,philosophy
The "Way" ? Karma marga jnana marga bhakti marga (raja-) yoga, dharma
The "aim" ? artha / kama / dharma;

poss: svarga / heaven

moksha / liberation
Time ? Linearity Circularity
