Time-line: Israelite History from Mt. Sinai to Babylonian Times

Dates Important Events / Figures Outside Powers /Enemies Outside Sources/ bibl. texts / theories
Mid 13th century BCE: Exodus and Mt. Sinai experience Escape from Egyptian slavery Mernephtah Stela: 1219 BCE:
13th - 12th century, or even later? Conquest of the "Promised Land" Struggle with indigenous Canaanite population Jericho an abandoned site in 13 - 12th centuries BCE
13th - 11th century Annual Covenant ceremonies at Shechem and Shiloh (Joshua 23-24; cf.: Judges 21:19 Theories about Amphictyony:

"confederacy united around worship at a central sanctuary"

c. 1200 - 1030 BCE Period of Judges / Shophet Canaanites Judges 1-21
c. 1020 - Israelite Kingdom Philistines
c. 1020- 1000 Saul (anointed king by Samuel) 1 Sam 10
c. 1000- 961 David (capital: Jerusalem) 2 Sam 2-21; 1 Kgs 2
c. 961 -931/22 Solomon (builds Temple) 1 Kgs 3-11
c. 931/22-731/22 BCE Divided Kingdom 1 Kgs 12
Israel (north) Judah


c. 731/22 BCE Assyria conquers Israel: "10 lost tribes" Assyrians 2 Kgs 17
701 BCE Assyrians besiege Jerusalem, Judah is able to withstand Assyrian assault
621 BCE "Discovery" of Book of Law (Deuteronomy[?])

Josiah reforms Judah's religion

2 Kgs 22-23

2 Chron 34-35

c. 614/12 BCE Assyrians defeated by Babylonians